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Airport Modernization Resources

Amended RESOLUTION NO. 105-2024 – On May 16, 2024, Pitkin County Resolution 025-2024 was adopted which amended recommendations: #13 to Shift the runway 80′ to the West and #15 updating the Common Ground Recommendation Airport Map to illustrate the amended #13.

Resolution No. 105-2020

Airport Fact Sheet 

Airport Layout Plan 

Project background

ASE Vision Process and Materials

About ASE Vision

Throughout 2019 and early 2020, Pitkin County led a comprehensive community engagement process to help establish a vision for the future of Pitkin County-Aspen Airport . The purpose of the ASE Vision process was to advise the BOCC on how the Pitkin County-Aspen Airport should be modernized to accommodate the community’s air service needs and reflect changes in the air service industry, while also remaining true to the character and values of the community. As part of the process, five Airport Advisory Groups were established:

The four Working Groups concluded their work and presented their findings to the Vision Committee in December 2019. The Vision Committee reviewed closely the recommendations of the Working Groups and then conducted considerable additional work of its own to research, digest, thoroughly vet, and formulate its final recommendations. After holding weekly three-hour meetings throughout the beginning of the year, on March 10, 2020, the Vision Committee voted 20-1 to approve the Recommendations to Achieve our Community Goals that form the heart of the Final Report.  The Recommendations were presented to Pitkin County Board of Commissioners on April 16, 2020 (click to view video).

The Final Report of the Airport Vision Committee

Airport Vision Committee (AVC)

The role of the AVC was to serve as the overarching project advisory committee focused on holistic project development. Recommendations from the AVC, along with input from the topic-focused Work Groups and overarching community, will inform the County’s decision-making process.

The AVC was convened at key project milestones to:

  • Establish guiding principles for the airport vision process and facilitate a two-way community-focused dialogue
  • Provide input on preliminary project concepts and refine information for community-wide outreach
  • Provide a forum for consolidating, integrating, and reporting out the vision and recommendations developed by the working and focus groups
  • Identify priority issues and consider input from the project’s topic-specific Work Groups
  • Activate and deploy the project’s Focus Group
  • Serve as project partners to share information and help identify community priorities

Meeting #1

Monday, August 26, 2019
4-6 PM at Pitkin County Offices (530 E. Main Street), Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room

Meeting #2

Monday, October 14, 2019
4-6 PM at Pitkin County Offices (530 E. Main Street), Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room
Conference Line: (646) 491-9844

Meeting #3

Work Session of the Airport Vision Committee

Monday, November 18, 2019
4-6 PM at Pitkin County Offices (530 E. Main Street), Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room
Conference Line: (646) 491-9844

Meeting #4

All Groups Report Out Meeting

Thursday, December 5, 2019
4-6PM at Aspen Meadows, Doerr-Hosier Conference Center

Work Session #1

Airport Vision Committee Recommendations Development

Thursday, January 9, 2020
4-6 PM at Pitkin County Offices (530 E. Main Street), Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room

Work Session #2

Airport Vision Committee Recommendations Development

Thursday, January 16, 2020
4-6 PM at Pitkin County Offices (530 E. Main Street), Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room
Conference Line: (646) 491-9844

Work Session #3

Airport Vision Committee Recommendations Development

Thursday, January 23, 2020
4-6 PM at Pitkin County Offices (530 E. Main Street), Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room

Work Session #4

Airport Vision Committee Recommendations Development

Thursday, January 30, 2020
4-6 PM at Pitkin County Offices (530 E. Main Street), Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room

AVC Executive Session Pursuant to CRS 24-6-402(4)b

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Work Session #5

Airport Vision Committee Recommendations Development

Thursday, February 13, 2020
3-6 PM at Pitkin County Offices (530 E. Main Street), Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room

Work Session #6

Airport Vision Committee Recommendations Development

Thursday, February 20, 2020
3-6 PM at Pitkin County Offices (530 E. Main Street), Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room

Work Session #7

Airport Vision Committee Recommendations Development

Thursday, February 27, 2020
3-6 PM at Pitkin County Offices (530 E. Main Street), Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room

Work Session #8

Airport Vision Committee Work Session

Thursday, March 5, 2020
3-6 PM at Pitkin County Offices (530 E. Main Street), Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room

Work Session #9

Aspen Vision Committee, Special Meeting

Tuesday, March 10th
3-6 PM  at Aspen Police Department, Conference Room

Work Session #10

Board of County Commissioners Work Session with the Airport Vision Committee

Thursday, April 16th, 2020
4 PM at Pitkin County Offices (530 E. Main Street), Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room
Digital Meeting: https://pitkincounty.com/374/County-Webcasts

Technical Working Group (TWG)

The TWG will define the desired functionality and physical facility requirements that will optimize the airport’s ability to meet the community’s future air service needs within the limited space available. The group will provide recommendations on the types and physical requirements for airport facilities needed meet the community’s air service needs and provide the flexibly needed to adapt to ongoing changes in the aviation industry.

The TWG will be convened at key project milestones throughout the visioning process to:

  • Understand all the different physical, operational, and regulatory constraints that impact use of the airport site
  • What is the desired allocation of space between the different airfield uses?
  • Understand the limitations on the County’s ability to finance existing airport operations and new capital projects.
  • Consider and provide input on technically-oriented areas identified by the AVC and the community as a whole
  • Present findings and make recommendations to the AVC
  • Facilitate a two-way community dialogue by serving as project partners to share information and identify community priorities


TWG Meetings

Technical Working Group Meeting #1

Wednesday, September 11, 2019
4-7 PM at the Airport Operations Center (AOC)

Technical Working Group Meeting #2

Wednesday, September 18, 2019
4-7 PM at the Airport Operations Center (AOC)

Technical Working Group Meeting #3

Wednesday, October 2, 2019
4-7 PM at Aspen Meadows, Doerr-Hosier

Technical Working Group Meeting #4

Wednesday, October 16, 2019
4-7 PM at the Airport Operations Center (AOC)

Technical Working Group Meeting #5

Wednesday, October 23, 2019
4-7 PM at the Aspen Police Department Building Meeting Room

Technical Working Group Meeting #6

Wednesday, November 20, 2019
4-7 PM at the Airport Operations Center

Technical Working Group Meeting #7

Tuesday, December 3, 2019
4-7 PM at the Airport Operations Center

Airport Experience Working Group (AEWG)

The AEWG will define the desired customer experience provided by the airport from the standpoint of the airport users (resident, business, and leisure travelers). The group will provide recommendations on how the community’s identity, values, and sustainability goals should be communicated to airport users through the facilities provided at the airport.

The AEWG will be convened at key project milestones throughout the visioning process to:

  • Define the quality of the space and facilities level of service from the standpoint of all user groups.
  • What is the desired take away for all users arriving and departing the airport (first and last impression)?
  • How should the community’s identity, values, and sustainability goals be reflected in the customer experience?
  • Define key terminal and landside features, amenities, and concessions.
  • Define ground transportation connectivity, access, and parking goals.
  • Understand the limitations on the County’s ability to finance existing airport operations and new capital projects.
  • Present findings and make recommendations to the AVC
  • Facilitate a two-way community dialogue by serving as project partners to share information and identify community priorities


AEWG Meetings

Airport Experience Working Group Meeting #1

Tuesday, September 24, 2019
4-7 PM at Pitkin County Library Dunaway Room (120 N. Mill Street)

Airport Experience Working Group Meeting #2

Wednesday, October 2, 2019
4-7 PM at Aspen Meadows, Doerr-Hosier

Airport Experience Working Group Meeting #3

Monday, October 21, 2019
4-7 PM, 
Pitkin County Offices, Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room (530 E. Main Street)

Airport Experience Working Group Meeting #4

Wednesday, October 30, 2019
4-7 PM, 
Wednesday, October 30, 2019, Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room

Airport Experience Working Group Meeting #5

Wednesday, November 6, 2019
4-7 PM, 
Wednesday, November 6, 2019, Aspen Police Department Community Room

Airport Experience Working Group Meeting #6

Wednesday, December 4, 2019
4-7 PM, 
Wednesday, December 4, 2019, Aspen Police Department Community Room

Community Character Working Group (CCWG)

The CCWG will define the desired role and context of the airport within the community. The group will provide recommendations on how the airport role and context could be fulfilled in a way that meets the community’s air service needs and reflects the community’s identity, values, and sustainability goals.

The CCWG will be convened at key project milestones throughout the visioning process to determine:

  • What is the overall role of the airport within the community?
  • What types and levels of air service will the community need in the future?
  • How should the history of Aspen be used to guide its future?
  • Understand the limitations on the County’s ability to finance existing airport operations and new capital projects.
  • What level of financial risk or independence is desired for future operations and capital improvements at the airport?
  • What is the airport’s role in addressing the focus areas established in the Pitkin County Strategic Plan: Livable and Supportive Community, Flourishing Natural and Built Environment, Prosperous Economy?​
  • Present findings and make recommendations to the AVC
  • Facilitate a two-way community dialogue by serving as project partners to share information and identify community priorities


CCWG Meetings

Meeting #1

Thursday, August 29, 2019
4-6 PM at Pitkin County Offices (530 E. Main Street), Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room

Meeting #2

Thursday, September 12, 2019
4-6 PM at Pitkin County Offices (530 E. Main Street), Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room

Meeting #3

Tuesday, September 17, 2019
11 AM -1 PM at Pitkin County Offices (530 E. Main Street), Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room

  • Reference Documents:
    • Community Character Working Group Narrative and Success Factors (Working Document)

Meeting #4

Tuesday, September 24, 2019
4-7 PM at Pitkin County Offices (530 E. Main Street), Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room

Call-in Line: (646) 491-9844

Meeting #5

Wednesday, October 2, 2019
4-7 PM at Aspen Meadows, Doerr-Hosier

Meeting #6

Friday, November 22, 2019
4-6 PM at Pitkin County Offices (530 E. Main Street), Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room

Meeting #7

Friday, December 27, 2019
4-6 PM at Pitkin County Offices (530 E. Main Street), Maroon Creek Room (3rd Floor of Pitkin County Offices)

Focus Group

The Focus Group will play an important role in refining concepts and helping to share information throughout the visioning process. The charter of the focus group is designed to be agile and more adaptable than the advisory groups.

By serving as a think tank for the advisory groups it is anticipated this group will be deployed at key milestones and as needed to play a critical role in:

  • Providing input on key issues that cut across all four advisory groups​
  • Translating and refining complex concepts specific to individual advisory groups​
  • Educating and engaging the broader community​
  • Facilitate a two-way community dialogue by serving as project partners to share information and identify community priorities


Focus Group Meetings

Focus Group Meeting #1

Wednesday, August 28, 2019, 4pm – 7pm Aspen Police Department Community Room (540 E. Main Street)

Focus Group Meeting #2

Thursday, September 19, 2019, 4pm – 7pm, Pitkin County Offices (530 E. Main Street)

Focus Group Meeting #3

Wednesday, October 2, 2019, 4pm – 7pm, Aspen Meadows Doerr-Hosier Center

Focus Group Meeting #4

Monday, October 21, 2019, 4pm – 7pm, Airport Operations Center (AOC), 1001 Owl Creek Rd. Aspen, CO, 81611

Focus Group Meeting #5

Monday, November 4, 2019, 4pm – 7pm, Airport Operations Center (AOC), 1001 Owl Creek Rd. Aspen, CO, 81611

Airport Advisory Group Presentations

  • April 16, 2020: Final ASE Vision Report to BOCC
  • November 13, 2019: Symposium – Future of Aircraft in a Carbon Constrained World
    • At this symposium an educational set of panel discussions focused on the future of sustainable aircraft manufacturing, modernization of the aviation industry, and how these new technologies will affect policy decisions in the next 20-30 years. Featured experts: Paul Eremenko, former CTO, Airbus and United Technologies Corporation, Amory Lovins, Chief Scientist,  Rocky Mountain Institute & Kevin Welsh, Executive Director, Office of Environment and Energy, Federal Aviation Administration
    • Meeting Video (YouTube)